Add FAQ Items/Categories/Topics?

For the users, it is beneficial to find their required content from specific categories or topics. It saves time for them. On the other hand, FAQ administrators can put the right content in the correct categories.  BWL Advanced FAQ manager plugin allows the admin users to add FAQ posts and group them by categories and topics.

This way, the users can easily find their answers quite fast.

  • Adding new FAQ items is almost similar to creating a new post. Go to the Advanced FAQ section and click the Add New FAQ link. After that, Add the FAQ title and description, select the category, select topics, and finally, click Publish to save a new FAQ.
  • The FAQ Category Page allows you to add unlimited categories for FAQ. You can show category-wise FAQ by using a shortcode.
  • The FAQ Topics Page allows you to add unlimited Topics for FAQ. You can show topic-wise FAQ by using a shortcode.
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