Category: Pre Purchase Question

Does the FAQ plugin have a widget feature?

Yes, the plugin comes with three built-in widgets. You can easily show FAQs in the sidebar by using the widget option. We have included two new widgets to display FAQ categories and FAQ topics. Go to Appearance >> Widgets. You will notice a widget box titled BWL Advanced Faq Manager Widget. Just drag and drop [...]

Can plugin be used with WooCommerce?

Yes, plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce plugin. You just need to purchase FAQ Tab For WooCommerce addon to use FAQ plugin with WooCommerce. You can use your existing FAQs as WooCommerce product FAQ. So, you do not need to create FAQ again for your product. It is super easy to use and very efficient. [...]

Does search box work in mobile device?

Yes, plugin search box support and work pretty well in mobile devices. Search box has clear ( X ) button, so you can easily clear search field text with out pressing back button of your phone.
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