FAQ Categories


You can Use following code-

<iframe src="https://www.yourdomain.com" width="100%" height="300px"></iframe>

set height value according to you’re need.


Md Mahbub Alam Khan 14 113 June 8, 2015

14 people found this faq useful.

You can easily display top voted FAQ's using following shortcode-


[bwla_faq meta_key = ‘votes_count’ orderby = ‘meta_value_num’ order = ‘DESC’ /]



Md Mahbub Alam Khan 12 98 June 8, 2015

12 people found this faq useful.

If you want to display a single category FAQ items in page then you defiantly don't want to show the title of that  category before the FAQ items. Because you're page already displaying that category name in title. So, it could be odd sometimes(reported by some of our customer).

To hide the title you just need to add following code and make sure 'list' value is set to 0.

[bwla_faq faq_category="introduction" sbox="0" list="0" /]

Thanks !

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 8 81 July 31, 2015

8 people found this faq useful.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 38 56 March 13, 2014

38 people found this faq useful.

We are using theme shortcode to display image inside faq post.

[lightbox full="http://lorempixel.com/g/500/300/"]http://lorempixel.com/g/125/125/[/lightbox]
Md Mahbub Alam Khan 26 86 March 13, 2014

26 people found this faq useful.


For the users, it is beneficial to find their required content from specific categories or topics. It saves time for them. On the other hand, FAQ administrators can put the right content in the correct categories.  BWL Advanced FAQ manager plugin allows the admin users to add FAQ posts and group them by categories and topics.

This way, the users can easily find their answers quite fast.

  • Adding new FAQ items is almost similar to creating a new post. Go to the Advanced FAQ section and click the Add New FAQ link. After that, Add the FAQ title and description, select the category, select topics, and finally, click Publish to save a new FAQ.
  • The FAQ Category Page allows you to add unlimited categories for FAQ. You can show category-wise FAQ by using a shortcode.
  • The FAQ Topics Page allows you to add unlimited Topics for FAQ. You can show topic-wise FAQ by using a shortcode.
Md Mahbub Alam Khan 158 469 March 9, 2014

158 people found this faq useful.
  1. Go to plugins section in your WordPress admin panel and click Add New to install plugin.
  2. Now, upload the "bwl-advanced-faq-manager.zip" file.
  3. Once plugin uploaded successfully, you will get a success message and then activate the plugin.
  4. After activating plugins, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and show new installed plugins information in there.
  5. Now, you are ready to use BWL Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin! In admin panel left menu you will see a new section like following image.
    BWL Advanced FAQ Manager Menu
Md Mahbub Alam Khan 84 141 March 9, 2014

84 people found this faq useful.


To translate FAQ plugin please follow the steps described in below-

Step 01: You like to translate FAQ plugin in to German language. FAQ plugin text domain is ‘bwl-adv-faq’. So, .po file name should be bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po. Translate plugin texts using .po editor. It will automatically generate bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.mo file.

Step 02: Now, placed that bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po & bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.mo file in 'lang' folder or in wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder. That’s all. You can check more country and language codes from below.

1. List of country code.

2. List of language code.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 34 94 March 9, 2014

34 people found this faq useful.

You will get language terms in "lang/default.po" file. You have to install “poedit” software in your computer.

- Our Plugin text-domain is 'bwl-adv-faq'

- If you are new about “localization of a plugin”, then I recommend you to check this video.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 23 72 March 9, 2014

23 people found this faq useful.

Very easy.

- Just remove [bwla_form=”1” /] shortcode,


Md Mahbub Alam Khan 14 58 June 8, 2015

14 people found this faq useful.

Please follow the steps -

1. Open “bwl_advanced_faq_manager_form_shortcode.php” file

2. Go to line no – 87 and you will get “Add A New FAQ Question !” text in there.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 26 60 March 9, 2014

26 people found this faq useful.

You can easily create a custom single page for display single FAQ content. To do this, go to your theme folder, then create a copy of single.php file ​and rename it single-bwl_advanced_faq.php. Now, all single FAQ contents will display in newly created page.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 20 92 January 9, 2015

20 people found this faq useful.

Getting 404 (Page Not Found) is a very common issue for custom post type single post. But it is quite easy to fix.

To solve that, Go to Settings>Permalinks.

Next, click on Post name radio and click Save.

Finally, Check FAQ single page, and hopefully it will now work perfectly.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 8 67 February 13, 2015

8 people found this faq useful.
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