Support FAQs


Getting 404 (Page Not Found) is a very common issue for custom post type single post. But it is quite easy to fix.

To solve that, Go to Settings>Permalinks.

Next, click on Post name radio and click Save.

Finally, Check FAQ single page, and hopefully it will now work perfectly.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 8 56 February 13, 2015

8 people found this faq useful.

You can easily create a custom single page for display single FAQ content. To do this, go to your theme folder, then create a copy of single.php file ​and rename it single-bwl_advanced_faq.php. Now, all single FAQ contents will display in newly created page.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 20 81 January 9, 2015

20 people found this faq useful.

Yes, Go to FAQ settings >> Font settings >> FAQ Label Font Size: . You will get options to set font size for the questions.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 13 92 June 8, 2015

13 people found this faq useful.

To translate FAQ plugin please follow the steps described in below-

Step 01: You like to translate FAQ plugin in to German language. FAQ plugin text domain is ‘bwl-adv-faq’. So, .po file name should be bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po. Translate plugin texts using .po editor. It will automatically generate file.

Step 02: Now, placed that bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po & file in 'lang' folder or in wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder. That’s all. You can check more country and language codes from below.

1. List of country code.

2. List of language code.

Md Mahbub Alam Khan 34 88 March 9, 2014

34 people found this faq useful.

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