Topics: fixes

How to solve single FAQ 404 issue?

Getting 404 (Page Not Found) is a very common issue for custom post type single post. But it is quite easy to fix. To solve that, Go to Settings>Permalinks. Next, click on Post name radio and click Save. Finally, Check FAQ single page, and hopefully it will now work perfectly.

How to change FAQ title font and remove text shadow?

By default, the FAQ title font style is bold and has a light shadow just below the text. For some themes, it seems blurry. You can easily remove that shadow and change the font style in to normal. Go to the FAQ settings page, and bottom of the page, you will get the option to [...]

FAQ translation file is not working !

To translate FAQ plugin please follow the steps described in below- Step 01: You like to translate FAQ plugin in to German language. FAQ plugin text domain is ‘bwl-adv-faq’. So, .po file name should be bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po. Translate plugin texts using .po editor. It will automatically generate file. Step 02: Now, placed that bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po & [...]
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