Yes, the plugin comes with three built-in widgets. You can easily show FAQs in the sidebar by using the widget option. We have included two new widgets to display FAQ categories and FAQ topics.
Go to Appearance >> Widgets. You will notice a widget box titled BWL Advanced Faq Manager Widget. Just drag and drop it into your right side widget container. Remember, your theme must have a widget support feature to display FAQ content in the sidebar. Moreover, you can use the available shortcodes in that widget.
Yes, you can paginate FAQ's very easily for your large no of items. You can also assign how many items you can display per page.
To translate FAQ plugin please follow the steps described in below-
Step 01: You like to translate FAQ plugin in to German language. FAQ plugin text domain is ‘bwl-adv-faq’. So, .po file name should be bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po. Translate plugin texts using .po editor. It will automatically generate file.
Step 02: Now, placed that bwl-adv-faq-de_DE.po & file in 'lang' folder or in wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder. That’s all. You can check more country and language codes from below.
You can use the following class references to customize the FAQ layout and it's other components like Accordion container, label, content, search box as well as the external FAQ submission form.
01. Accordion Container:
02. Accordion Label:
.baf-faq-container label{}
03. Accordion Content:
.baf-faq-container .baf_content{}
04. Accordion Search Box:
05. Accordion External Form:
You can Use following code-
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="300px"></iframe>
set height value according to you’re need.
Please follow the steps -
1. Open “bwl_advanced_faq_manager_form_shortcode.php” file
2. Go to line no – 87 and you will get “Add A New FAQ Question !” text in there.
If you want to display a single category FAQ items in page then you defiantly don't want to show the title of that category before the FAQ items. Because you're page already displaying that category name in title. So, it could be odd sometimes(reported by some of our customer).
To hide the title you just need to add following code and make sure 'list' value is set to 0.
[bwla_faq faq_category="introduction" sbox="0" list="0" /]
Thanks !
Yes, it’s possible.
1. Go to FAQ Settings>Reading Settings section.
2. From ‘Collapsible Accordion: ’ drop down list, please select ‘Show All FAQ Answer Closed’ option and save your new settings.
Check following image-
You can easily change the navigation arrows in shrotcode. Please check following link for full list of shortcodes-!/plugin_shortcodes
Available Arrow Codes:
- Arrow Up : f062
- Angle Up : f106
- Double Angle Up : f102
- Circle Arrow Up : f0aa
- Caret Arrow Up : f0d8
- Chevron Arrow Up : f077