FAQ Category: Customization

Does plugin has a list of class references?

You can use the following class references to customize the FAQ layout and it's other components like Accordion container, label, content, search box as well as the external FAQ submission form. 01. Accordion Container: .baf-faq-container{} 02. Accordion Label: .baf-faq-container label{} 03. Accordion Content:  .baf-faq-container .baf_content{} 04. Accordion Search Box:  .bwl-faq-search-panel{} 05. Accordion External Form: .bwl-faq-search-panel{} [...]

How To Change The Navigation Arrows?

You can easily change the navigation arrows in shrotcode. Please check following link for full list of shortcodes- https://projects.bluewindlab.net/wpplugin/baf/doc/#!/plugin_shortcodes Available Arrow Codes: Arrow Up : f062 Angle Up : f106 Double Angle Up : f102 Circle Arrow Up : f0aa Caret Arrow Up : f0d8 Chevron Arrow Up : f077

How to set custom theme for FAQ?

Plugin offers you the full freedom to set custom color schemes for your FAQs. Just add color code inside the shortcode and plugin will handle rest of the things. https://projects.bluewindlab.net/wpplugin/baf/doc/#!/plugin_shortcodes NOTE: first_color will be added 50% top of the accordion and second_color will be added 50% bottom in accordion "Label". Output:

How to change FAQ title font and remove text shadow?

By default, the FAQ title font style is bold and has a light shadow just below the text. For some themes, it seems blurry. You can easily remove that shadow and change the font style in to normal. Go to the FAQ settings page, and bottom of the page, you will get the option to [...]
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