Translate BWL Pro Voting Manager
"BWL Pro Voting Manager" offers cool translation feature. So, you can easily add this plugin any kind of website. Check following steps for translate "BWL Pro Voting Manager" plugin. Inside of plugin "lang" folder you will get a file named "en_EN.po" file. To edit this file you need to install "poedit" software in your computer. [...]BWL Pro Voting Manager Option Panel
General Options - Theme Options - Tipsy Options - Advance Options -BWL Pro Voting Manager Shortcodes
Using shortcode you can easily integrate voting panel any where of your website. Available shortcodes listed in below- 1. Display Voting Box: [bwl_pvm/] 2. Display Voting Box with animated progress bar: [bwl_pvm animation=1/] 3. Display 5 top liked post of last 30 days : [bpvm_filter order_type='liked' limit=5 date_filter=1 interval=30 /] 4. Display 5 top liked [...]Voting Manager Widget
You can easily show most top voted and most down voted posts in sidebar by using Widget option. Go to Appearance >> Widgets. You will find a widget box titled by BWL Voting Manager Widget. Drag and drop it in your right side widget container. Remember, your theme must support widget option for using this [...]
How to use BWL Pro Voting Manager
BWL Pro Voting Manager plugin require almost zero configuration and coding knowledge. After successful installation process you will able to see a voting panel just bottom of every single post page. In the image you can see 2 buttons are available for casting votes. First one for up vote and second one for down vote. [...]
Plugin Installation
Go to plugins section in your wordpress admin panel and click Add New to install plugin. Now, upload the "" file. Once it uploaded successfully you will get success message and then activate the plugin. After activating plugins, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and show new installed plugins information in there. [...]
Give Me A Vote
You can submit the like or dislike vote for this post. Plugin allows the user to submit vote for once. So you can not submit a repeat vote. However, if the admin want they can allow user to submit multiple vote. Lets add a vote in below. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et [...]