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Knowledge Base Plugin Table of Content

Quick Introduction

This plugin comes with lots of unique and flexible features to create unlimited number of Knowledge Base question and answers for your site content. Sticky and Shortcode based Ajax search option gives your user the best experiences to find there required question answers quickly.

Plugin Installation

Take a look at the following steps to install the plugin in a WordPress site.

Step 01

Go to plugins section in your WordPress admin panel and click Add New to install plugin. Now, upload the “” file. Once plugin successfully uploaded in your server you will get an message to activate it. Click on “Activate Plugin” Link and plugin will be ready to use.

Step 02

After activating plugin, you will redirect in plugins section of wp-admin panel and show new installed plugins information in there. Now you are ready to use BWL Knowledge Base Manager Plugin! In left sidebar menu you will see a new section like following image.

Add KB Items/Categories/Topics

Add new Knowledge Base items is almost similar like adding a new post. Go to “Knowledge Base” section and click “Add New KB” link.

How to use Short Code

You can easily integrate Knowledge Base items inside of any page or post using shortcode. Go to any post/page and then click on icon in TinyMce editor toolbar. Click on that “Icon” and you will get a pop-up window. Select options according to your choice.

Knowledge Base Widgets

You can easily show Knowledge Base items in sidebar by using Widget option. Go to Appearance >> Widgets. You will find a 3 widget boxs titled by BKBM Widget, BKBM Categories Widget, BKBM Tags Widget. Drag and drop it in your right side available widget container. Remember, your theme must support widget option for using this feature.

KB Categories & Tag Widget

You can display list of Knowledge Base categories using this widget. You can also display no of items available in each category.

Related KB Posts Widget

This widget contain features to display top up voted/ top down voted/ top viewed KB/ featured KB in widget area. Easy select drop down box provide you super flexibility to choose your display type quickly. If you want to display related knowledgebase posts in sidebar area, then you can easily do that by using this widget. After setup all things successfully you can view Knowledge Base items in your website sidebar.

KB Filtering Option

You can Filter Knowledge Base questions based on date/category/tags/like/dislike/views.

KB Voting Option

User can vote up/ vote down your Knowledge Base items and you can view them from Admin panel.

This feature is useful, if you add some vote/like/dislike for test purpose and then reset vote/like/dislike counter in to it’s initial position.

Translate Plugin

“BWL Knowledge Base Manager” offers cool translation feature. So, you can easily add this plugin any kind of website. Check following steps for translate “BWL Knowledge Base Manager” plugin.

Translate Plugin With WPML

“BWL Knowledge Base Manager” also offers translation feature with WPML plugin. To get started, you will need WPML and add-on Plugins i.e. the core WPML Multilingual CMS which is always required and the String translations add-on

Upgrade Notes

2016, April, 27 – v 1.1.2

– Replace all files and folder of “bwl-kb-manager”.

2016, January, 29 – v 1.1.1

– Replace all files and folder of “bwl-kb-manager”.

Change Log

2016, April, 27 – v 1.1.2

– Added description field for Ask KB question form and admin can disable it from option panel.
– Added custom drag & drop sorting feature for Category & Tag KB posts.
– Added KB last update in single page.

2016, January, 29 – v 1.1.1

– Fixed front end KB form submission issue.
– Improved Option Panel.
– Improved Language File.

Credits Notes

– Ideas By BlueWindLab

– Color Picker By


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing BWL Knowledge Base Manager Plugins.

Last Update: March 7, 2023
June 6, 2016 4395 Md Mahbub Alam KhanIntroduction
Total 29 Votes

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